matrixm 发表于 2015-1-6 22:56   全显示 1楼
Hee-ran was a karaoke mistress when she first met Se-min through a marriage consultant company. He suggests they should have a contract marriage; she would get paid every month for being his wife and Se-gyu's mother. Hee-ran thinks this is a good deal but unlike her thoughts, being married is boring. Se-min only needs her at night and Se-gyu has a crush on Hee-ran who is like an older sister but hides it by being nasty. One day, Hee-ran meets Se-min's friend Tae-yeong and falls for him. In the end, Hee-ran and Se-min break up...
  • coco_banana 金币 -10 复制回复,扣10金币。 2015-1-7 02:53
matrixm 发表于 2015-1-6 22:59   全显示 2楼
Hee-ran was a karaoke mistress when she first met Se-min through a marriage consultant company. He suggests they should have a contract marriage; she would get paid every month for being his wife and Se-gyu's mother. Hee-ran thinks this is a good deal but unlike her thoughts, being married is boring. Se-min only needs her at night and Se-gyu has a crush on Hee-ran who is like an older sister but hides it by being nasty. One day, Hee-ran meets Se-min's friend Tae-yeong and falls for him. In the end, Hee-ran and Se-min break up...
  • coco_banana 金币 -20 连楼 复制回复 扣20金币 2015-1-7 02:54
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