
[情色三级] [法国/四级]干柴烈火 Fievres Nocturnes (1977)[AVI/548MB/LP/BT]


[法国/四级]干柴烈火 Fievres Nocturnes (1977)[AVI/548MB/LP/BT]


【影片名稱】:干柴烈火 Fievres Nocturnes (1977)

【影片介紹】:(机译)Jean-Louis Vattier dreams about his lovely downstairs neighbor, Brigitte Lahaie, although his dreams occasionally turn into nightmares involving his hard hat co-worker Dominique Aveline. One particularly strange and violent sequence is not made any more watchable by some slow motion fighting accompanied by the usual ‘arousing’ sax music instead of more threatening music, but this entire film is one big incomprehensible trip anyway, so the viewer had better prepare for more far out scenes. Pierre awakes to find his beautiful blond wife (although she’s no Brigitte) played by Ursula White. Obviously their marriage is in trouble, with him living in a fantasy world of his own making while she, Janine, has taken a lover of the same sex (Liliane Lemieuvre as Rosette). Pierre spots Brigitte in a book store and begins to fantasize once more. The, erm, ejaculation shot is most definitely a fantasy! Then he goes home to dream about himself sharing Brigitte with his wife. Well at least he hasn’t completely forgotten about his spouse. In return, she has arranged an appointment with a psychiatrist, Madame Gabrielle Dullan, an older lady, who non the less is as sexually liberated (or should that be unrestrained) as everyone else: she let’s him fondle her bosom while he tells her his woes. Naturaly, he drifts off into Lalaland once more, this time also including the shrink’s maid, while her employer gets to watch.让 - 路易· Vattier梦见他可爱楼下的邻居,碧姬Lahaie ,虽然他偶尔的梦想变成介入他的安全帽的同事多米尼克Aveline的噩梦。一个特别奇怪的暴力顺序没有作出任何更有看头一些慢动作战斗伴随着通常的“激发',而不是更具威胁性的音乐萨克斯音乐,但是这整个电影是一个很大的不可理解之旅,无论如何,所以观众有更好的准备更遥远的场景。皮埃尔醒找到他的美丽的金发的妻子(虽然她没有布里吉)由厄休拉·怀特发挥。显然,他们的婚姻陷入困境,他生活在一个幻想的世界他自己造成的,而她,珍妮,采取同性(利利安Lemieuvre为玫瑰花)的情人。皮埃尔插播林青霞在一家书店,开始幻想一次。对,呃,射精射是最肯定是天方夜谭!然后,他回家梦到自己分享布里吉与他的妻子。嗯,至少他还没有完全忘记他的配偶。作为回报,她已安排约见心理医生,杜莎夫人加布里埃尔Dullan ,旧的夫人,谁不少是因为性解放(或者应该说是天马行空的)其他人一样:她让他抚摸她的胸部,而他告诉她他的困境。天然化,他漂移关进Lalaland一次,这一次也包括收缩的女仆,而她的雇主得到观看。


[检查重复] Fievres.Nocturnes.XXX.French.Classic..DVDRip..torrent (43.76 KB)BT资源

2015-2-15 21:19, 下载次数: 934

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