Mindsoft系列工具包.由于提供了最新的SPC技术,现在你可以显著地提升你的系统速度;分析修复你的硬盘,恢复硬盘空间,整理磁盘,清理注册表垃圾,防止系统崩溃,提升系统性能,就好象添加了更多的内存一样.Mindsoft还采用了新的 ActiveMemory技术,使系统更稳定,除此之外,新版本还添加了大量的实用工具.
Mindsoft Utilities:
* MindSoft Defrag. Optimize your hard disks with this powerful defragmentation tool.
* MindSoft FreRAM. Increase your system performance by cleaning the content of your RAM.
* MindSoft Internet Optimizer. Boost and optimize the speed of your Internet connection with this program.
* MindSoft Maintenance. This program allows you to examine your system in search of problems, and to solve them.
* MindSoft Registry Cleaner. Safely scan and repair registry problems which are a cause of Windows errors and crashes.
* MindSoft Safe Registry. Backup the Registry and Restore it when Windows crashes.
* MindSoft Scandisk. Disk analysis and repair tool that checks your drives for errors and corrects any problems that it finds.
* MindSoft System Restore. Create restoration points making sure you will be able to go back when facing changes in your system.
* MindSoft CleanUp. CleanUp is an advanced hard disk cleaner able to erase useless files in a quick and useful way.
* MindSoft Uninstaller. Uninstaller is a tool created to help you maintain your installed programs.
* MindSoft Undelete. Undelete is an easy to use program that allows you recover deleted files from your hard drives.
* MindSoft Wipe. Erase files and folders in a definitive and secure way. You won’t be able to recover them.
* MindSoft Renamer. Batch rename your files in seconds with our powerful file renamer.
* MindSoft Shelter. Encrypt your files and folders to protect your most valuable information.
* MindSoft Split. Split any file into sections of any size and later reconstruct the sections to form the original file.
* MindSoft StarUp. Control which programs are starting automatically at Windows start up.
* MindSoft System Information. Check the exact elements your PC is made of, use the graphics to have complete control of your equipment.
* MindSoft Shutdown. Schedule hibernation, shut down, logoff, restart, etc. A simple program that will become a must for you.
Homepage - http://www.mindsoftweb.com/en/index.html
下载:MindSoft Utilities XP 9.5