
[交流] 系统硬件工具专帖(肯定有你需要的)


aTuner Beta


This is a beta with experimental GeForce 8 support.

下载:aTuner Beta
  • higherCCA 金币 +10 第一个跟帖,鼓励一下 2006-12-12 18:53



CCleaner 1.36.430

CCleaner是一款免费的系统优化和隐私保护工具.CCleaner的主要用来清除Windows系统不再使用的垃圾文件,以腾出更多硬盘空间.它的另一大功能是清除使用者的上网记录.体积小,运行速度极快,可以对临时文件夹、历史记录、回收站等进行垃圾清理,并可对注册表进行垃圾项扫描、清理.附带软件卸载功能. 同时支持IE、Firefox、Oprea等.免费使用,不含任何间谍软件和垃圾程序.支持包括简体中文在内的26国语言界面!

Changes in version 1.36.430 :
- Fixed bug with Hotfix and logfile cleaning.
- Added Office 2007 cleaning.
- Minor tweaks and optimizations.



Undelete Plus v2.4

Undelete Plus可以快捷而有效地恢复误删除的文件,包括从回收站中清空,DOS窗口中删除,网络驱动器,Windows Explorer的Shift快捷键删除的文件都可以帮你找回.支持FAT12/FAT16/FAT32/NTFS/NTFS5文件格式.

下载:Undelete Plus v2.4

- Ukrainian language support(by Yaroslav Mudryy)
- Danish language support(by Michael Lykke) - Finnish language support (by Raimo Partanen)
- Afrikaans language support(by Ben Booysen)
- Arabic language support(by Yahia Alnaimy)
- Swedish language support ( by Marcus Tein)
- Polish language support( by Michal Byrczek )
- French language support( by Sebastien Troiani)
- Dutch language support( by Marcel Mank)

- Increased speed ~10-15%

- Drive access errors
- Lots of intrerface bugs



TweakVI 1.0.1040

TotalIdea推出了首款Windows Vista调整优化软件TweakVI,它可以调整Vista中上百个隐藏选项,优化和个性化你的机器.
- 上百个Vista隐藏功能设定调整.
- 注册表清理、系统和软件运行限制设置.
- 系统详细信息显示.
- 可以创建一个256 MB RAM磁盘.
- 保护个人隐私.
- 清理磁盘.
- 管理TrueType字体.
- 优化网络连接.
- 优化处理器运行效能.
- 优化内存、管理系统更新

下载:TweakVI 1.0.1040 v1.0 build 1040 - December 17th 2006
X TweakVI now supports the 64bit editions of Windows Vista (except for the RAM Drive feature).
Please note that the 64bit version of TweakVI is still in beta state
* All versions: lots of changes to the setup in relation to the new 64bit support
* All versions: completely recoded registry access code in relation to the new 64bit support
* Premium and ultimate only: several changes to most plugins in relation to 64bit support

* Ultimate only: several changes to the 'Shortcut icon overlay' plugin. Added some additional
overlay icons (red, green, blue, and grey arrows)
* All versions: added new icons for the desktop shortcuts (Desktop tweaks plugin)
* All versions: changes to the 'Desktop tweaks' plugin related to the new shortcut icons
* All versions: added a new 'Glass' colorization feature to the 'Desktop tweaks' plugin
* All versions: a few changes to the 'SystemInfo' plugin
* A few optimizations to the setup
* Updated language files

- Premium and Ultimate only: fixing a minor bug in the Registry Cleaner plugin
where some registry backups were not displayed properly in the backup list
- Removed the 'Hide start button' option from the 'Taskbar' plugin
since it was no longer working with Vista RTM



UltimateDefrag 1.34

DiskTrix UltimateDefrag是一款可以用你想象的方法重组并且最佳化你的硬盘,支持目前的任何硬盘格式,而且可以在最短时间内完成硬盘重组,假定你有一个大于1GB,有900MB是位于同一片段中,其它100MB散布在10个片段中,UltimateDefrag只会移动这100MB部分,附加到已重组的片段,可以大大地缩短重组执行时间,且有效升执行效能.

下载:UltimateDefrag 1.34

Changes in UltimateDefrag 1.34:
- Some systems were experiencing Stack Overflow errors causing the program to terminate unexpectedly. This has been corrected in this version.



MindSoft Utilities XP 9.5

Mindsoft系列工具包.由于提供了最新的SPC技术,现在你可以显著地提升你的系统速度;分析修复你的硬盘,恢复硬盘空间,整理磁盘,清理注册表垃圾,防止系统崩溃,提升系统性能,就好象添加了更多的内存一样.Mindsoft还采用了新的 ActiveMemory技术,使系统更稳定,除此之外,新版本还添加了大量的实用工具.

Mindsoft Utilities:
* MindSoft Defrag. Optimize your hard disks with this powerful defragmentation tool.
* MindSoft FreRAM. Increase your system performance by cleaning the content of your RAM.
* MindSoft Internet Optimizer. Boost and optimize the speed of your Internet connection with this program.
* MindSoft Maintenance. This program allows you to examine your system in search of problems, and to solve them.
* MindSoft Registry Cleaner. Safely scan and repair registry problems which are a cause of Windows errors and crashes.
* MindSoft Safe Registry. Backup the Registry and Restore it when Windows crashes.
* MindSoft Scandisk. Disk analysis and repair tool that checks your drives for errors and corrects any problems that it finds.
* MindSoft System Restore. Create restoration points making sure you will be able to go back when facing changes in your system.
* MindSoft CleanUp. CleanUp is an advanced hard disk cleaner able to erase useless files in a quick and useful way.
* MindSoft Uninstaller. Uninstaller is a tool created to help you maintain your installed programs.
* MindSoft Undelete. Undelete is an easy to use program that allows you recover deleted files from your hard drives.
* MindSoft Wipe. Erase files and folders in a definitive and secure way. You won’t be able to recover them.
* MindSoft Renamer. Batch rename your files in seconds with our powerful file renamer.
* MindSoft Shelter. Encrypt your files and folders to protect your most valuable information.
* MindSoft Split. Split any file into sections of any size and later reconstruct the sections to form the original file.
* MindSoft StarUp. Control which programs are starting automatically at Windows start up.
* MindSoft System Information. Check the exact elements your PC is made of, use the graphics to have complete control of your equipment.
* MindSoft Shutdown. Schedule hibernation, shut down, logoff, restart, etc. A simple program that will become a must for you.
Homepage - http://www.mindsoftweb.com/en/index.html
下载:MindSoft Utilities XP 9.5
  • hawk44 金币 +30 6个软件,一并给分 2006-12-18 08:52



EVEREST 2006 多国语言版 3.50.840 Beta

EVEREST(原名AIDA32)一个测试软硬件系统信息的工具,它可以详细的显示出PC每一个方面的信息.支持上千种(3400+)主板,支持上百种 (360+)显卡,支持对并口/串口/USB这些PNP设备的检测,支持对各式各样的处理器的侦测.新版增加查看远程系统信息和管理,结果导出为 HTML、XML功能.

下载:EVEREST 2006 3.50.840 Beta
  • hawk44 金币 +10 圣诞节快到了 2006-12-20 09:48


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