查看完整版本: [日本/三级]在无爱之森呐喊:深入密林/7集全 The Forest of Love: Deep Cut (2020)[MKV/15.8G/BT]

影音大咖 2023-2-2 00:14

[日本/三级]在无爱之森呐喊:深入密林/7集全 The Forest of Love: Deep Cut (2020)[MKV/15.8G/BT]

The Forest of Love: Deep Cut (2020)
Released: 30 Apr 2020
Runtime: 39 Mins
Genre: Drama Crime Countries: Japan Languages: Japanese
Alternate Titles: 愛なき森で叫べ : Deep Cut

Murata Jo is a ruthless criminal. On the surface, he is cheerful and lively. But he emotionally controls other people, milks them for money and makes them commit brutal crimes.

Based on a real criminal case, named Kitakyūshū Serial Murder Incident (北九州連続殺人事件), taking place between 1996 and 1998, and the main culprit of it, Futoshi Matsunaga (松永 太).


rebirthsc 2023-2-2 21:40


liky1368 2023-2-3 20:34

感觉都很超前 小鬼子的 拍得乱乱的 我是看不懂了 但大受感慨

kirstenni 2023-2-4 01:35

JK百合也就日本片能看到了,里面的女生长的都还行。口味有点重。有点血腥 截肢了还拿 来吃 肠子还拿 来绞了 太恶心了 好好的一些女生拍这种电影,日本人总能拍一些奇奇怪怪的电影 三观不正呀

nie5265 2023-2-4 05:50


morrisen 2023-2-4 21:01


xf521 2023-2-16 05:14

只要 看到字幕基本内容应该不会很差,否则翻译者都看不下去了

o2k2 2023-2-16 08:12

页: [1]
查看完整版本: [日本/三级]在无爱之森呐喊:深入密林/7集全 The Forest of Love: Deep Cut (2020)[MKV/15.8G/BT]