查看完整版本: [法国/四级]假日游船艳遇 Croisières pour couples en chaleur (1980)[MKV/1GB/XN/BT]

影音大咖 2023-2-21 19:53

[法国/四级]假日游船艳遇 Croisières pour couples en chaleur (1980)[MKV/1GB/XN/BT]

Croisières pour couples en chaleur (1980)
Released: 09 Jul 1980
Runtime: 79 Mins
Languages: French

Guillaume rents a house-boat with his wife Dominique and “their” lover, Martine. In the evening, Guillaume tells stories to put them to sleep. On their holiday cruise along a canal, they meet several characters and have ‘fun’ with them each time – the woman lock keeper, a girl on a bike who plunges into the canal as she waves at them, a girl who hitches a lift from a bridge and a girl who seems to be a nun, until her black stockings and suspenders are revealed. Eventually, Martine brings M. Léon on board and the film ends with an orgy.


怪兽哥斯拉1 2023-2-28 22:06


夜龙巫妖 2023-2-28 23:26

Guillaume和妻子多米尼克和“他们的”情人马丁租了一艘船屋。 晚上,Guillaume讲故事让他们入睡。 他们在假日游轮上沿着运河遇到了几个人,每次都和他们“玩得很开心”——看锁的女孩,一个骑着自行车向他们挥手时冲进运河的女孩,一个在桥上搭顺风车的女孩和一个似乎是修女的女孩,直到露出她的黑色丝袜和吊带。 最终,玛蒂娜 (Martine) 将里昂 (M. Léon) 带上了船,以一场狂欢结束。

怪兽哥斯拉1 2023-3-1 22:34


redrain2020 2023-3-2 02:33


youstilltheone 2023-3-5 23:59


cigaooo 2023-3-7 22:02


txlan3 2023-3-8 08:57


lwia1983 2023-3-14 09:56

不是以前的都好。而是。我们都老了。念旧。 后浪推前浪·我们在过去。再也回不到过去了·

lionhearttt 2023-3-14 14:36


7026519 2023-3-24 22:11

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查看完整版本: [法国/四级]假日游船艳遇 Croisières pour couples en chaleur (1980)[MKV/1GB/XN/BT]